Electric Blue Hermit Crabs for sale online
Marine hermit crabs for sale are different than any other species of crab. Due to the fact that they have a soft, unprotected abdomen area, they require a shell from another animal to exist. Unlike other species of marine crab, the hermit is known for “switching shells” as it grows. This can happen as often as once a month, to as little as once a year depending on the subspecies and age of the hermit.
Different types of hermit crab for sale
There are many, may types of saltwater hermit crabs available including many vivid colors. From blue legged hermits all the way to the bright orange and larger bodied halloween hermit crabs, there is just a ton of variety to choose from. Within the color and size range is also a range in diet and activity. Choosing a hermit that will not bother other inhabitants of your saltwater marine fish only or reef aquarium is important. Keeping blue leg hermit crab with starfish for example can be an issue if they decide to munch on your stars.
Parameter | Range |
Specific Gravity (Salinity) | 1,021-1,025 (31-35ppt) |
Temperature | 72-81 °F (Will live longer in lower temperatures) |
pH | 8,0-8,4 |
kH | 7-12dkH |
Nitrate | <10ppm |
Nitrite | 0 (Not measurable) |
Amonia | 0 (Not measurable) |
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